Projectes internacionals - Intro

We strive to position Barcelona Activa on an international level

By identifying financing opportunities and networking with other local and international bodies and entities, we foster the development of new projects to strengthen Barcelona Activa’s strategic position in the field of economic policy and local development.

Our involvement in international cooperation projects with organisations from all over Europe, awards, recognition and good practice, as well as our contribution to forums, presentations, think tanks and other prestigious spaces for reflection, project Barcelona Activa as an entity of international reference in socio-economic development.

Furthermore, by generating and implementing international projects, exchanging knowledge and networking with other organisations promoting local economic development, we can incorporate good practices, and innovative methodologies developed at an international level. Our international projects are also intended to secure resources, such as European funds, which allow us to offer new services to citizens and strengthen our existing programmes and training courses in Barcelona. 

Current international projects

Green Marine

10 / 2023 - 09 / 2025

Analitzar l’estat del transport verd a la Mediterrània i generar una comunitat d’actors implicats en l’impuls al transport sostenible. 


09 / 2023 - 05 / 2024

Connectar l’economia blava i valors com la sostenibilitat amb la ciutat i el món educatiu, a través del projecte de construcció d’una embarcació que es desenvoluparia a l’Escola Montserrat de Barcelona. Es preveu organització de regata a la ciutat i també actuacions per acabar de determinar, vinculades als Jocs Olímpics de París 2024.

Current and Past Partners by location

Past international projects

BOOSTINO. Boosting Social Innovation

10 / 2016 - 04 / 2018

+ RESILIENT. Mediterranean Open Resources for Social Innovation of Socially Responsive Enterprises

02 / 2018 - 04 / 2022

Mediterranean region cooperation project to study, test and disseminate new ways of using open and mass data to enhance social innovation and support socially responsible companies.

CLUSNET network

07 / 2008 - 06 / 2011

EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator

01 / 2020 - 12 / 2024

Acceleration programme for start-ups in the mobility sector.


06 / 2010 - 06 / 2012

GENDERED LANDSCAPE. Action planning network for gender equality

09 / 2019 - 05 / 2022

Gender perspective analysis of the public services provided in a city and a new action plan (or adapted action plan) to ensure gender equality and contribute to social inclusion.


06 / 2010 - 05 / 2013

Projectes internacionals - Xarxes participació

Barcelona Activa’s networks